Rogerwilco’s contribution to the Drupal community

Rogerwilco specialises in Drupal, a robust CMS used by businesses of all kinds all over the world.

Rogerwilco specialises in Drupal, a robust CMS used by businesses of all kinds all over the world.

NASA, The Warner Brothers, and Tesla are just a few of the big names that use it. Its appeal lies in its scalability. One of our developers likens it to LEGO bricks for coding. Whatever you want to do, Drupal can do it. In the rare case that it can’t, you can extend it so it can. On our production floor, any question about functionality is greeted with “there’s a module for that.”

Modules are these bits of code that augment Drupal’s capabilities. There are modules to add ecommerce features, image manipulation, and GDPR compliance, just to name a few use cases. They drive the evolution of features (by creating new ones), and they’re freely available to any developer who needs them.

We’re big believers in community. We know that our business would not be where it is today if it weren’t for the collaborative spirit that the Drupal community has. We’ve contributed two modules to this community already. We ensure that they’re updated, that they work with newer versions of Drupal, and that new features are added when required. Clients don’t pay us to do this, but it’s something we’re compelled to do in the spirit of Ubuntu.

Our first module is focused on social media integration. Just Another Social Module (JASM) allows anyone to share content on any social platform they like. We’ve all found a particularly interesting video or blog and we’ve hit that share button. A module like JASM is what facilitates things on both the front-end and back-end of the website. JASM is a one-stop shop for developers to quickly integrate easy social publishing technologies into their site.

Andre Ellis, one of our senior full-stack developers was motivated to start work on this module after struggling with existing social modules.

“We got tired of complex social modules, so we decided that it was time to create something easier to use.”

Ellis was joined by his co-maintainer, Ashraf Omar, a senior back-end developer who has contributed to JASM, but also devoted his time to a second module.

Many of us use emojis on a daily basis. These little yellow icons have become substitutes for some pretty big feelings (and also little ones). Ashraf’s module better integrates emoji functionality into CKEditor 5. Ashraf is passionate about this module and the contribution it makes to overall usability.

“Emojis are wildly popular and I felt it would be a no-brainer to give devs easy access to the functionality. It improves the user experience, but it also adds a bit of fun to the content that you’re publishing.”

While these are our primary modules, we regularly contribute to the many other modules listed on

Yes, there are a lot of these modules out there, but we like to think that ours are the best. We’re proud to be contributing this code, and we’re especially proud of our developers who are taking time (often after hours) to participate in a community of really smart people that help make websites easier to use for both developers and the end-users.

This story was published in Bizcommunity, Redzone and Ramify